I can’t find a Statement of Fees in my app.

Team Kroo
Team Kroo

Kroo accounts created before 1st October 2023

If you opened your account before 1st October 2023 you may have multiple Statements of fees to download in the Kroo app, depending on how long you have been banking with us.

  • Accounts opened before 01.10.2022 – you should have 2 statements available for download (for time from the account creation until October 2022, and then from October 2022 until October 2023).
  • Accounts opened on or after 01.10.2022 – you should have 1 statement available for download (for the time from the account creation until October 2023).

To get the Statement of Fees please follow the below steps:

  1. Open your Kroo app and head to the ‘Account’ tab.
  2. Tap on the ‘Statements’ section.
  3. Select ‘Statement of Fees’ option.

If you don’t see any documents available in the ‘Statements’ section, please completely reinstall the Kroo app and check if you can access the statements afterwards.

If you have an active Kroo account created before 1st October 2023 and you don’t see Statement of Fees in the ‘Account’ tab of your app, please contact our customer support via the in-app chat or at help@kroo.com so we can help you further.

Kroo accounts created after 1st October 2023

Please note that Statements of Fees are currently available only to customers who created a Kroo account before 1st October 2023.

Statement of Fees is issued every year in October and contains fees and interest details only for the past 12 months. This means that any account created after 01.10.2023 will receive their first Statement of Fees on 1st October 2024.

Closed Kroo accounts

If you closed your account before 01.10.2023, you won’t have a Statement of Fees available. However, if your account was closed on or after that date – you’ll be able to access any Statement of Fees previously issued to you, along with your usual bank statements.

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