When will I receive a response to my complaint?

Team Kroo
Team Kroo
  • Updated

If your complaint can be resolved within 3 working days, we’ll write to you to confirm the resolution of the complaint and our investigation.

If we're unable to resolve your complaint within 3 working days of receiving it, we'll send an acknowledgement that we've received and are dealing with your complaint.

If your issue relates to a payment service (such as faster payments or online transactions) a final response will be issued within 15 working days from the date we receive your initial complaint. In exceptional circumstances where we're unable to issue our final response within 15 working days from receipt, we'll write to update you on the progress of your complaint and an expected resolution date, which will be within 35 working days from the date of the initial complaint.

For any other complaint, we have 8 weeks to provide you with a final response letter.

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